Email threads, which group all replies to a particular email, are organized as a continuous single conversation in your Titan Inbox by default. In this setting, the first email message in the thread is at the top and the most recent one is at the bottom
We allow you to switch to a non-threaded view where each new reply to an email appears in the Inbox as an individual message.
To switch to a non-threaded view on Titan, you can follow the steps listed below:
1. Click on Settings (gear icon) on the top right corner of the Titan Webmail
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2. Under Settings, you’ll find Email Organisation. Select the box which says Show emails sepeately. Once you do this, the conversation view would be turned off and each email would be shown separately.
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You can turn the conversation view ON/OFF from your Titan mobile apps as well. You can turn conversation view ON/OFF by visiting: Settings>Account Settings>Conversation View.
For Android Titan App users:
For iOS Titan App users:
If you have any further queries or suggestions for us, feel free to drop us a message at