Titan Webmail focuses on making the user experience better. One such feature is the missing attachment pop-up. You might have come across scenarios wherein you see the attachment pop-up stating "Are you sure you want to send this mail without attachment?" when you try to compose/ send an email.
This simply means that you are missing out on sending an attachment as our system scans through the text present in the body of the email and it searches for words/ phrases related to "attachment" as mentioned below for example:
- Attached,
- Attachment,
- Attachments,
- Attachement,
- Atachment,
- Atachement
If such words/ phrases are detected in the body of the email or even the signature, then the attachment pop-up appears. Below is a gif for your reference where in our system detects the word "attached" and finds that there is no attachment being attached.
The sole purpose of the feature is to remind in case you miss out on sending attachments.
If you feel despite the above-mentioned attachment related words/ phrases not being present, still the pop-up appears, feel free to write us at support@titan.email.