You might see the below error messages while sending out emails that shall help you troubleshoot your query. The below table shall help you understand the rejects well.
Reply Code | Status Code | Error Message : Eg | Explanation |
504 | 5.5.2 | 504 5.5.2 <user@example>: Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address | Mail rejected as the MAIL FROM address is not in fully-qualified domain |
550 | 5.4.6 | 550 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender Hourly Quota Exceeded |
Ratelimit exceeded |
550 | 5.4.6 | 550 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender Daily Quota Exceeded |
Ratelimit exceeded |
550 | 5.4.6 | 550 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender Domain Daily Limit Exceeded |
Ratelimit exceeded |
550 | 5.4.6 | 50 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender Domain Hourly Limit Exceeded |
Ratelimit exceeded |
550 | 5.4.6 | 50 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender Domain Hourly Bounce Limit Exceeded |
Ratelimit exceeded |
550 | 5.4.6 | 50 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender Domain Daily Bounce Limit Exceeded |
Ratelimit exceeded |
550 | 5.4.6 | 550 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender Daily Bounce Limit Exceeded |
Bounce limit exceeded |
550 | 5.4.6 | 550 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender Hourly Bounce Limit Exceeded |
Bounce limit exceeded |
550 | 5.4.6 | 550 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender Daily Forward Ratelimit Exceeded |
Ratelimit exceeded |
550 | 5.4.6 | 550 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: Sender Domain Daily Unauthenticated Mails Sent Quota Exceeded |
Ratelimit exceeded |
550 | 5.8.1 | 550 5.8.1 Error in dkim public key,invalid dkim key format. Please refer Set up DKIM Record |
The DKIM key added to your DNS panel might have some incorrect values or incorrect formatting. Please ensure that you copy the exact DKIM value from the Control Panel. Once your DKIM key is reverified it may take some time to reflect the changes which should be up to your DNS TTL. |
550 | 5.8.1 | 550 5.8.1 Error in dkim public key,DKIM public key not found in dns. Please refer Set up DKIM Record |
The DKIM public key record from your DNS is missing.Most commonly it can happen due to some mistake while configuring dns records manually. We request you to add back the same and then attempt to send an email. |
550 | 5.8.1 | 550 5.8.1 Error in dkim public key,more than one txt record in same selector. Please refer Set up DKIM Record |
The DKIM public record added to your DNS has more than one TXT value. Titan doesn't allow multiple dkim key records to avoid conflicts under same selector. Hence, please ensure that you paste the exact value from the Control Panel. Once your DKIM key is reverified it may take some time to reflect the changes which should be up to your DNS TTL |
550 | 5.7.2 | 550 5.7.2 <>: Sender address rejected: SPF Policy of your domain doesn't explicitly allow us to send email on your behalf |
Your domain has an SPF record that is not configured to allow Titan to send emails on your behalf. |
550 | 5.7.5 | 550 5.7.5 <>: Sender address rejected: SPF Record for your domain is not set up. Please refer to this Email Authentication Measures |
You domain does not set up the SPF record |
550 | 5.7.4 | 550 5.7.4 <>: Sender address rejected: SPF Record for your domain is not proper. Please refer to this Email Authentication Measures |
There is a syntax error in your SPF record, or there are multiple SPF records |
550 | 5.4.6 | 550 5.4.6 <>: Recipient address rejected: An email sent to this address has been rejected with the reason Mailbox does not exist within the last 7 days. | We have recently got a feedback from the email service provider that , this email is an non-existing email. If this is a newlyt created email . Please get in touch with |
550 | 5.7.1 | 550 5.7.1 message content rejected | |
552 | 5.3.4 | 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit |,File%20size%20exceeding%20the%20size%20limit,should%20not%20exceed%2030%20MB. |
550 | 5.4.7 | 5.4.7 SenderAliasDenied: You are not allowed to send email from as | User is attempting to send as different user than the logged in user, which is considered as a phishing attempt |
550 | 5.7.1 | 5.7.1 Message Rejected: Invalid From address. Different domains and found | The user is attempting to send an email as a different user than the one logged in, which is considered a phishing attempt. |
550 | 5.4.8 | 5.4.8 SenderAccountDenied: Account not found; from=<> to=<> | The user is attempting to send an email as a different user than the one logged in, which is considered a phishing attempt. |
550 | 5.7.1 | 5.7.1 Message Rejected: Invalid From address. Invalid domain name in from address: | The user is attempting to send an email as a different user than the one logged in, which is considered a phishing attempt. |
550 | 5.4.6 | 5.4.6 SenderRecipentDenied: You are not allowed to send email to for the possible reason of abuse | Once we receive a spam or ARF complaint, we block the sender from sending any further emails to that recipient. |
550 | 5.7.1 | 5.7.1 Mail is compromised image | The content filter categorizes the email as spam, phishing, virus or compromised. |
550 | 5.7.1 | 5.7.1 Mail is compromised domain | The content filter categorizes the email as spam, phishing, virus or compromised |
550 | 5.7.1 | 5.7.1 Mail contain virus Malicious UR | The content filter categorizes the email as spam, phishing, virus or compromised |
550 | 5.7.1 | 5.7.1 Mail contain phishing content Other | The content filter categorizes the email as spam, phishing, virus or compromised |
550 | 5.7.1 | 5.7.1 Mail contain virus Malicious URL | The content filter categorizes the email as spam, phishing, virus or compromised |
550 | 5.7.1 | 5.7.1 Mail contain spam content | The content filter categorizes the email as spam, phishing, virus or compromised |
553 | 5.7.1 | 553 5.7.1 <>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user | User is attempting to send as different user than the logged in user, which is considered as a phishing attempt |
553 | 5.7.1 | 553 5.7.1 <>: Sender address rejected: not logged in | User attempting to send without authentication |