Preocupado com o Spam? Deixe tudo para trás com o Titan!
O Titan Email usa vários filtros e medidas para manter sua caixa de entrada limpa, que são fornecidos abaixo:
- Postscreen: This is a filter we use that helps us detect if an incoming email is from a spambot or if it contains malware. An email is rejected from delivery if it fails this check.
Sender check: This component detects if the received email has been sent by a valid email server. Sender check will essentially perform a reverse DNS lookup to figure out what is the IP of the received email. If the IP does not point to a valid email server, the email in question will be rejected.
SPF (Sender Policy Framework) check: Este componente verificará o registro SPF do domínio do remetente e validará se o e-mail está vindo de um servidor válido, conforme mencionado no registro SPF. Se o e-mail for recebido de uma fonte não autenticada, a verificação de SPF executará a ação mencionada no registro TXT do domínio do remetente conforme indicado abaixo:
- Hard Fail : The email will be rejected by Titan's servers if it is received from an unauthenticated source
Soft Fail : The email will be accepted by Titan's servers, but it will be tagged as ‘suspicious’ and the recipient will be warned
- RBL (Real-time Blackhole List) check: The IP address of an incoming email is run by 2-3 RBL services to verify if the IP has been blacklisted before due to being identified as spammy in nature. Hence. the incoming email will be rejected if the IP is blacklisted.
Open DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) check: If an incoming email's header contains the DKIM Signature, an Open DKIM check will verify the content of the email with the public key published in the DNS record and add the verification result in the Authentication-Results header.
Open DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) check: Open DMARC check will check the status of SPF and Open DKIM checks. Incoming emails will be rejected if they fail the DMARC check, or temporarily failed if the check could not be completed in time. It will add the verification result in the Authentication-Results header
- Cmfilter: Cmfilter essentially checks if an incoming email is a spam, virus, or phishing email. If it is a virus email or if it is from a spam IP, then it will be rejected. The process for the same is given below:
a. Compara o IP do remetente a um conjunto de hosts de spam conhecidos e rejeita se o e-mail for recebido de um host de spam
b. O cmfilter contém um cache de todas as assinaturas que possuem uma classificação conhecida. Ele gera as assinaturas de uma mensagem recebida e as compara com assinaturas conhecidas e as classifica em diferentes categorias que são fornecidas a seguir:
- Spam : Spam email will get delivered to the spam folder and the subject will be tagged as SPAM
- Virus : Email with virus content will be rejected
- Phishing : The subject will be tagged as PHISHING
- Clam SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) filter: Clam SMTP filter allows checking for viruses using the ClamAV anti-virus software. Emails with viruses are dropped silently and logged without any additional action taken.
- MIME (Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions) header check: MIME header check will essentially check the attachments that have been added to the email. If the file extension format isn't permitted by the incoming email server then the email will be rejected.
alert-success | Um e-mail recebido é entregue em sua caixa de e-mail somente após passar por todas as verificações e filtros mencionados acima. |
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