O Mail ajuda você a realizar ações em seus e-mails e a organizar sua caixa de entrada.
- Archive - this moves the email to the Archive folder. This helps keep the inbox clean.
- Mark as Spam/Not Spam - helps you mark spam emails. Once marked as spam, the email is moved to the spam folder. If you find an email wrongly present in the spam folder, you can mark it is 'Not Spam' and the email is moved to the Inbox folder.
- Move to Trash - Moves the email to the trash folder.
- Mark as Unread/Read - Marking emails as read removes the bold highlight and reduces the unread counter. You can also select multiple emails and mark them all as unread in one go.
- Move to Folder - Mail lets you organize your inbox with different Folders. For e.g. - A folder called 'IT Tickets' can contain all the IT tickets that come to your inbox. This way all these emails would be present in the IT Tickets folder, keeping your inbox view clean. You can also use the 'Move to Folder' option to move emails to the 'Spam' 'Trash' or 'Archive' folders
- Star - Star helps you mark important emails. You can search starred emails using the “is: starred” search string.
Rastreador de Atividade - Isso ajuda você a saber mais sobre seus e-mails quando eles são abertos pelo destinatário.